GAME UPDATES: New updates are in red.
From October 27, 2017 to January 2018
- Added level treasure maps! Hold the Alt key to show the map. It won't show your location, only the location of treasures or special items needed to progress.
- Added 2 new songs for the Second level (Valley) and the High Seas level.
- Added more fish to the ocean.
- Added scenic trees to the main mountain background.
- Added underwater sound effect.
- Added sea splash animation to the game's intro screens.
- Added treasure Amethyst stone worth 1000 points.
- Added falling stalactites in the last Lost Caverns level.
- Added albino rats to the last level (Lost Caverns).
- Added destruction sound when stalactites fall and break.
- Air bubbles now spring up from below everywhere in the sea.
- Fixed Akeni falling on a fake floor inside the cave.
- Akeni won't get frozen when touching earthly gates or exiting the lost cave river.
- Akeni's foot now stands properly on the ground.
- Changed square blocks to slope blocks in the lost cavern river.
- Changed standing blocks in water pits at the beach level.
- Completed planting grass in front of the tribe chief (ending/credits level).
- Corrected bugs with the vampire bat.
- Fixed Akeni going under the sand when climbing a coconut tree at the beach.
- Corrected the height and pixel of the little waterfall in the Lost Cavern river.
- Decreased animation speed on aquatic plants and the sting ray.
- Fixed Akeni falling off the condor's wing when exiting levels. You can no longer control Akeni while riding the condor.
- Fixed layer problem hiding trees and clouds in the first level.
- Fixed lost cave level song changing to the 1st level cave song when the balloon was popped.
- Fixed lost cave level water drops falling below their expected level.
- You can now collect the destroyed bee house for 500 points!
- Added animation to sea urchin at the beach level.
- High seas level now features sun reflection on shallow rocks.
- If you die near Akeena on the 1st level, the level text and Akeena now disappear.
- Pressing "Alt" on non-labyrinth levels shows a screen indicating no treasures to collect.
- Jellyfish is now properly transparent.
- Positioned Akeni behind the sand instead of in front.
- Reverted game's resolution stretch to be pixel perfect.
- The game now allows you to enter your initials in the high score if you achieve 2500 points or more.
- Pixel art improvements on various elements including the mountain, Brazilian flag, banana trunk, tree trunks, cave tarantula, tucan, flower buttons, red seaweed, electric eels, albino rat, bee house, and more.
- Touched up the sky's brightness in the game's intro.
- Translated the login title page and the word "password" to Spanish and Portuguese.
- Upgraded all the game's songs to a more modern sound, though YM2151 sounds may return in the future.
- Water droplets now drop from the ceiling below the lost cave river.
- You no longer need to press control to exit the lost cave river.
September/October 2018 - Akeni game update:
- Fixed stuttering when Akeni crouches on his tent or a coconut tree.
- Fixed 1st level river splash animation when entering from the left cave.
- Fixed crouching base height.
- Added hair animation when falling from a jump.
- Changed water, bubble, and cloud transparencies throughout the game.
- Changed Akeni's eyes to black.
- Pixel art touch-ups on banana trees, granite rock layer, tree grass, diagonal grass, cave river rocks, vines, ivy plants, bats, clouds, scorpion, pineapple, and mountain level gorilla.
- Fixed arrow selection timing on the language select screen.
- Re-sorted some internal game code.
- Merged introduction screens into one.